This e-learning Action Plan template can be used to audit the existing state of play and to plan for the future. This example was used with a Welsh Primary school but can be adapted to any circumstance.
Category Archives: Toolkit (IO1)
The Taccle CPD IO1 will produce a Tool kit for managers, educational advisors and regional actors promoting the integration of digital technologies in schools.
There are 4 deliverables which collectively make up the toolkit
a critical analysis of policies and strategies for developing teacher competences in using digital technologies for learning.
a Route Map with criteria and rubrics that will enable institutional managers and other agencies to measure institutional progress.
a quality assurance tool for managers evaluating the effectiveness and impact of staff development programmes.
tool for managers to help generate institutional plans for the integration of technology for teaching and learning and the development of learners digital competence.
Whilst a huge number of Open Educational Resources have been produced for teachers to help them introduce digital technologies in their classroom, virtually nothing has been produced in the way of practical tools to help institutional managers or those involved in developing strategies across schools or consortia.
Work on the Toolkit is still in progress. In this section of the website we provide the work in progress together with background documents.
Routemap: Culture
A Route map for assessing and planning e-learning and digital culture in your organisation.
Routemap: Infrastructure
A Routemap for assessing and planning e-learning and digital infrastructure in your organisation.
Routemap: CPD
A route map for assessing and planning e-learning and digital CPD in your organisation.
A routemap for assessing and planning an e-learning or digital curriculum in your organisation.
Route Map:Leadership
A routemap for assessing and planning for leadership in e-learning and digital competence for your organisation.