Category Archives: CPD programmes (IO2)

The hand book will contain descriptions and comparisons of different modes and delivery models for Continuing Professional Development designed to promote the adoption and use of digital technologies in the classroom. It will also look at how teachers competences can be developed so that they are in a position to help primary teachers deliver the new curriculum requirements with respect to ICT. It will contain case studies, examples of good practice, specimen programmes etc together with practical suggestions and tips.

There is a considerable body of work around training trainers and teachers, and a smaller but significant number of publications on training teachers to use technology for learning. However, almost all of them are academic papers or research reports. We will take that research together with the experiences of expert trainers in the field and translate it into a practical handbook for professionals who have to design, organise and deliver CPD opportunities and other training events for teachers.

We will also test the handbook in the Vocational Education and Training and Adult education sectors.

Implementing The Welsh Digital Competence Framework in the Foundation Phase

Cylchoed Meithrin

What the (Welsh) Digital Competence Framework means for Methrin (Foundation Phase)



4 strands 

  • Citizenship
  • Interacting and collaborating
  • Producing
  • Data and computational thinking


4 main points 

  1. Neither teachers nor children have to become experts in computer programming overnight, it does not mean that the children will be stuck looking at tablets or computer screens more often than they do now and it doesn’t need lots of money spent on technology.


  1. Just because a lesson uses technology does NOT mean it is an ICT/DCF lesson. Conversely, most of the activities that contribute directly to delivering the DCF at this age can be delivered without technology


  1. Less emphasis on Schemes of Work, more emphasis on integration across curriculum and thematic approach


  1. Many of the activities you do already can be enhanced or adapted to deliver DCF.  Remember, all the Meithrin competences are preceded by “…with increasing independence”. You are just setting the foundations for what will be developed further in Derbyn, Dosbarth Un / Dau


Suggested CPD activities

20 minutes on trying out some ‘unplugged’ activities, including playground games, which develop a range of digital competences and require  ‘homemade’ kit


Unplugged activity DCF strand Sub-strand Competence
Coding cards


Data and Computational Thinking Problem solving and modelling


Complete patterns and sequences


Emoticon cards Citizenship Online behaviour and cyberbullying Identify emotions of others on a range of digital software, e.g. talk about feelings and begin to recognise emotions;


Human robots


Data and Computational Thinking Problem solving and modelling


Follow a simple sequence of instructions


1 and 2 variable sorting Data and Computational Thinking Data and information literacy


recognise that there are different types of data, e.g. sort and/or match objects/photographs/symbols


Sticks and stones


Data and Computational Thinking Data and information literacy


sort familiar objects using set criteria.




15 mins playing with a range of kit e.g. different robots and other non-screen user interfaces so that they can make an informed choice if they are thinking of buying anything


Activity DCF strand Sub strand Competence


Recognising card / wooden pathways


Data and Computational Thinking Problem solving and modelling


Complete patterns and sequences


Beebot cards and pockets Data and Computational Thinking Problem solving and modelling


Follow a simple sequence of instructions

Create one step instructions and identify the next step


Dash and Dot – gathering snow sheep


Data and Computational Thinking Problem solving and modelling


Follow a process making simple adjustments when needed


Cozmo Citizenship


Identity, image and reputation


Identify emotions of others on a range of digital software, e.g. talk about feelings and begin to recognise emotions





15 mins playing with some creative apps that develop digital competence and really work well with 3-4 yr olds



Activity DCF strand Sub strand Competence


Quiver Producing Planning, sourcing and searching


Explore and use different multimedia components in order to capture and use text, image, sound, animation and video.


Adding sound to emoticons Producing Creating Explore and use different multimedia components in order to capture and use text, image, sound, animation and video.


Osmo Producing Planning, sourcing and searching


Navigate through a piece of software using an internal menu to find desired item.


QR Christmas book Producing Creating


Explore and use different multimedia components in order to capture and use text, image, sound, animation and video.


Chatterpix Producing Evaluating and improving


Describe in response to questions some of what has been done in the task, e.g. add comments using recording feature in software.






Teaching computing strategies

Teaching Computing: challenges and successful strategies reported by school teachers Sue Sentance, King’s College London, UK Andrew Csizmadia, Newman University, UK

Download Here

Teachers of Computing in school were asked about successful strategies that they used in the classroom as well as challenges that they faced. In a time of curriculum change in this subject, the perspectives of these teachers are useful for schools to address and implement. Challenges faced by teachers can be analysed as being either intrinsic to the teacher or having an external cause, and can be something relating to their own practice or to the challenges faced by students. We find that teachers’ own content knowledge and students’ understanding of the subject is more challenging to them than lack of resources, issues around engaging students, and time and assessment issues. In response to this, teachers recommend a range of pedagogical strategies to support students’ understanding which we incorporate practical, hands-on approaches, contextualising abstract concepts, incorporating collaborative work.

Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8

Position Statement for Preschool / early years from the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College

This statement is intended primarily to provide guidance to those working in early childhood education programs serving children from birth through age 8. Although not developed as a guide for families in the selection and use of technology and interactive media in their homes, the information here may be helpful to inform such decisions. NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center do not endorse or recommend software, hardware, curricula, or other materials.


Digital Literacy Leicester

The DigiLit Leicester project is a two year collaboration between Leicester City Council, De Montfort University and 23 of the city’s secondary schools . The project focuses on supporting secondary school teaching and teaching support staff in developing their digital literacy knowledge, skills and practice, and their effective use of digital tools, environments and approaches in their work with learners.


Computational thinking in schools

This guide aims to help develop a shared understanding of the teaching of computational thinking in schools. It presents a conceptual framework of computational thinking, describes pedagogic approaches for teaching and offers guides for assessment. It is complementary to the two CAS guides published in November 2013 (Primary) and June 2014 (Secondary) in supporting the implementation of the new National Curriculum and embraces the CAS Barefoot and CAS QuickStart Computing descriptions of computational thinking. Computational thinking lies at the heart of the computing curriculum but it also supports learning and thinking in other areas of the curriculum.


Using Scratch Junior with younger children

These resources are designed to be used by teacher trainers or for teacher CPD courses. We have tried and tested all of the Taccle workshops with teachers across Europe as part of the Taccle projects.

Here we share our aims, objectives, and resources. You are free to use and repurpose the materials under the cc license at the bottom of the site.

Scratch Junior

At the end of the session, teachers will be able to:

Find their way around the Scratch Junior interface

Create and save a project

Use the function keys

Generate examples of different age-appropriate projects

Create a programme around a given topic e.g telling a fairy story or an underwater theme or a picnic in the country

Say where they can find additional resources on line and how much they cost.


Scratch Junior Workshop


Introduction to Coding and Programming in Primary Schools 

These resources are designed to be used by teacher trainers or for teacher CPD courses. We have tried and tested all of the Taccle workshops with teachers across Europe as part of the Taccle projects.

Here we share our aims, objectives, and resources. You are free to use and repurpose the materials under the cc license at the bottom of the site.

course for Foundation Phase and KS2 teachers

Aims of the workshop

  • To introduce teachers to some of the basic concepts they will have to teach to deliver the new curriculum
  • To provide ideas, materials and activities they can use in the classroom.
  • To reassure teachers that they CAN do this!


Workshop Objectives

At the end of the workshop teachers will be able to:

  • Explain any unfamiliar terminology in the computing curriculum in a way that is appropriate for the age they teach.
  • List some key principles for teaching coding /control technologies to children.
  • Discuss some alternative schemes of work and examine issues such as progression, differentiation, assessment.
  • Recognise how things that they do already can be integrated or adapted and used to deliver the computing curriculum.
  • Implement at least 3 entry – level lessons for either Foundation or KS2 on each of the following topics: Logical thinking, Understanding Algorithms, Creating and Debugging Programmes, Controlling Things.
  • List some of the basic equipment they will need or would be useful.
  • Explore and evaluate a range of software.
  • Learn how to use a Makey Makey and use simple robots.


Target group

Primary teachers who have little or no experience of coding and programming but who will be delivering the new Computing curriculum.



The course will be hands-on and workshop based. There will be no input session longer than 10 minutes and teachers will be guided through the same experiential processes that they can adapt for working with children in their own classroom.  No prior knowledge of programming is necessary and the level of computer literacy required is no more than is required to teach the current ICT curriculum in primary schools to KS2.


Resources (click below, redirects to Taccle3 website)

An Introduction to Coding for Younger Children.







Getting started with a Code Club!

A training plan written by Jen Hughes for Taccle 4 CPD

These resources are designed to be used by teacher trainers or for teacher CPD courses. We have tried and tested all of the Taccle workshops with teachers across Europe as part of the Taccle projects.

Here we share our aims, objectives, and resources. You are free to use and repurpose the materials under the cc license at the bottom of the site.

Target audience:

  • New or potential Code Club leaders (Primary age)
  • Managers of organisations organising code clubs


To equip potential code club leaders with the skills and knowledge they will need to establish and run a coding club for primary school age children.


At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe different models of coding clubs and different rational underpinning their operation
  • Discuss the equipment, materials, resources, staffing and premises requirements for a coding club.
  • Calculate the costs of running a coding club, prepare a list of capital and recurring expenditure and potential income.
  • List the legal and good practice requirements including DBS, insurance, safety, safeguarding and data security, AUP etc
  • Explain how achievements in a coding club can be recognised and rewarded
  • Describe different pedagogical approaches to helping children learn to code
  • Recognise and respond to the needs of children across the ability range
  • Say where they can get further help and support.

Outline programme:

Day 1: Getting started

Session 1.  Why coding clubs?

  • What is a coding club and why do we need them?
  • How did it all start?
  • Types of coding clubs – e.g school based, community or voluntary organisation based, private or stand- alone clubs
  • Frequency and duration of activities – weekly meetings, code camps, participation in local, national or international events
  • Target audience – inclusive, selective, open

Session 2: Money

  • Funding – what does it cost? Expenditure and Income
  • Session Premises – space, connectivity, internet and network access
  • Staffing – who? (teachers, volunteers, parents etc) expertise, different roles
  • Resources – IT equipment, other materials, BYOD
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Pricing models

Session 3: Legal requirements and good practice

  • Insurance
  • Legal issues
  • Safety, safeguarding, data security, AUP
  • Sharing equipment

Session 4:  Accreditation and recognition

  • Open Badge schemes for children and young people
  • Accredited training for staff

Day 2:  Delivering Content

Session 1: Types of programme

  • Hobby based vs complementary vs supplementary curriculum
  • Links to Computing /ICT curriculum /DCF
  • Working in tandem with schools /ICT co-ordinator /class teachers

Session 2: Programme delivery

  • Computing unplugged
  • Tangible User Interfaces
  • Robots
  • Graphic programme environments
  • Coding languages

Session 3:  Inclusivity and differentiation

  • Provision for less able children, more able and talented children and the geeks!

Session 4:  Support and training

  • Sources of help and advice
  • Training opportunities
  • National and local initiatives
  • Networks

The course could run over 2 days (9.30 – 3.30) which can be run as a block, as stand-alone days, 4x morning only or over 4/5 evenings.

Materials cost
All equipment and material will be provided but participants are encouraged to bring their own devices if they would prefer digital copies.

The training will be based mainly on groupwork using case studies, mini-projects, role play and other interactive methods.