
Strategies, Models and Tools

Taccle CPD in 6 minutes

Thanks to everyone who participated in our local multiplier events, here as promised you will find content from the Taccle4CPD UK webinar, German and Romanian multiplier events.

Please contact the coordinator for bespoke training opportunities.


This document is an activity report on the Multiplier Event of the TACCLE4 CPD project that was organised by the German partner Institut Technik & Bildung (ITB). The event took place at the North-German training centre of construction industries, Bau-ABC Rostrup. Below the four sections report on the preparation of the event, on the input from ITB, on the discussions with the participants and on the TACCLE4 CPD Showcase that presented the digital contents produced in the project for the field of VET.

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Date: 20-21 november 2019 

Location: Fundeni, Bucharest, Romania

Admin: Andreea Scoda, Institute of Educational Sciences

Facilitator: Koen DePryck 


Results of the workshop

The 2days workshop took place according to the pre-established design. The projects` intellectual outputs were presented to the participants with more focus on the eMM (the latests developments) and the mobility scenario (as part of the Route Map). 

Next, Koen DePryck, the representative of  the Intituut voor Kennis Management (IKM) facilitated working, action-planning sessions for the schools` team. As a result, the teachers have drafted the building grounds of their KA1 mobility project. The school aspires to learn how to put ICT in the service of improving their relationship with the teachers and developing creativity among their students. 

Finally, during the meeting they have selected 3 teachers who applied for an Erasmus+ course on project developing and writing provided by the Romanian National Agency. Also, the school team has decided to finalize the first project proposal by the end of the school semester (20th of december). 

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