Overview of scenario
As a requirement of many courses, learners should display the ability to reflect on their own practice and subsequently to evaluate their own performance. This scenario looks at using digital courses, tools and apps to enhance both the learning and the process.
Why is it important?
Reflective practice means that you study your own experiences, what you have done and what you have learned from it, and use that information to improve the way you work. It is very useful for professionals who want to continue learning. It is also useful for any professionals who are required to keep a record or portfolio of their learning and achievements. For example in health care, or teaching.
About Taccle
Taccle projects have been providing resources and training in ICT and digital technologies for educators for over 10 years and a previous Taccle project won awards from both the European Commission and from member states for excellence and impact. With diverse teams made up of experienced educators, academics and edtech experts, Taccle continues to bridge the gap between policy, practice and changing technologies with projects exploring computational thinking, digital pedagogies and the use of Artificial Intelligence. Follow us @TaccleProjects for more information.
The main requirements are time and a commitment to regularly update your journal or portfolio in whatever form it takes. You will also need to choose which tool or tools to use.
Scenario description
Digital tools for reflective practice are designed to decrease the time component and increase the range of media you can record. Rather than having to sit down at the end of the day to write out your day’s noteable events, you can video, photograph and record audio clips as the events happen.
In this scenario we will look at the use of digital tools for recording, bookmarking and sharing ideas.
Scenario Objectives
To show how reflective practice can be made easier and more efficient using digital tools.
Equipment and Support
You will need access to a mobile phone or tablet or a device capable of taking photos, video and audio recordings.
This short course explains the principles and process of reflective practice without the technology to support it.
Once you know what you are doing and why you can start to incorporate the technology.
Resources and more info
Evernote https://evernote.com/ we have used this tool with healthcare professionals, the free version is versatile and allows you to organise notes from multiple projects.
Trello http://trello.com is better known as a project management tool but can be used for a host of other purposes including reflection. Trello has the advantage of collaboration so you can share your thoughts with a wider group.
Blogs you could use any blogging platform to journal your reflections, we recommend wordpress.